Sunday 14 February 2016

Dev Log 10#

News! I have some, in all flavours; both good and bad.

This post is going to be a bit short, here's the footnotes:

Temporarily without a graphical artist

Unfortunately, Frece, NiTL's lead artist is busy for the foreseeable future (at least a month) so I'm going to be without a graphic designer for a while. If you are a pixel artist or know anyone who is, please show them this blog and have them send a message to the facebook page and we can talk about the game. Alternatively leave a comment on this blog post with your email and I'll send you an email directly.

This does not mean development will stop by any means, I am currently seeing about finding someone else and failing that, hiring a freelancer to make the graphics until Frece is able to contribute again.

Automap complete

I have finished and polished the automap (minimap) features, so NiTL now has a working minimap in a similar style as Super Metroid. Now I will be working on the pause screen and putting a main map in the pause screen.

After that all I have left to program in the game is;
  1. Ability items not respawning after returning to the room (I put it off to do more important stuff)
  2. Maybe 1 or 2 more abilities, just for the fun of it.
  3. The rest of the enemies
  4. Add graphics and audio to the game when I get them
  5. Level design
And then it's done. Seems like a little but it's still a lot to go.

Save Station Bug

For some reason the save station is bugged, in some scenes, for some weird reason.
The bug is regarding the raycast that detects the player, it works fine when it's just the player and the save station in an empty scene, but in the test scenes it has problems with the detection, and if placed in a specific manner it bugs the camera causing it to detach from the player.

I'll need to investigate this, but it should be fine in the end.

Surprise fourth update!

With the completion of the automap I developed, I only have a pause menu left until I'm going to make a copy of my project of NiTL which I will simplify and make into a Unity asset to sell on the Unity Asset Store for anyone who wants to make their own Metroidvania.

Thanks for reading the update, everyone, I hope you had a wonderful Valentines day!
I myself enjoyed a pizza at home while watching 'Welcome To The N.H.K' before and after programming the automap feature.


  1. hi, i can do some neat pixel art for NiTL. i've been following the development of this game for a while now and i'm really excited. i also keep in touch with you composer Highway Guy. you can send me a YouTube private message, for i don't want to give out my email address. thanks :)

    1. Hello MiniMacro!

      Thank you very much for your interest in helping and following the project, unfortunately I can't seem to find an 'About' section or any options to message you on your channel.

      Thankfully you made me realize I had no contact section on this dev log, so I made one. You'll find my email on it so please send me an email with some examples of pixel art you've made.

      Thank you very much for showing support to the game! :^)
